Bridging the Gaps

When a bridge over the Niagara was first proposed in the mid 1800s, it seemed so impossible that only a few engineers would even consider it. Determined to press on in spite of the obstacles, the proponents of the bridge selected one out of the four ambitious engineers that responded—and the building began.

The first obstacle to overcome was to get a steel cable across the gorge. A cannon, a rocket, and a steamship were a few of the ideas suggested. However in the end, of all the ideas considered, the smallest and simplest of them all was chosen.

To start off with, a contest was organized to fly a kite across the gorge. After the contest was over and the awards were given out, a thicker string was tied onto the string of the winning kite and pulled back over to the other side; then a small rope was attached, and eventually a steel cable. By starting with small steps and building on each, what seemed impossible slowly began to take shape.

In my youth after repeated failure I began to think that changing the negative aspects of my character was impossible. My biggest mistake was thinking that the change had to happen overnight. Now I realize that most often change is a step by step process.

I find this step by step process of "bridging the gaps" where I'm weak in character plays a major role in how well I am able to deal with adversity. For example, the more positive my attitude, the quicker I am to see the opportunities in a difficult situation. The more patient I am, the easier it is to deal with problems that stretch over longer periods of time, etc. So I consider taking steps to strengthen my inner being as a vital part in successfully dealing with adversity.

What I'm working on below is putting together my own reflections, and other related articles on self-development. My hope is that those of you who visit this site and want to "bridge the gaps" in your own lives will find the information helpful. Click on a category to read more.


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